the ohio river bridge


I love this bridge. I love the way it juts up into the sky like mountains. I love how majestic it is. I love how the sun rises over it brilliantly every morning. I love how the fog and mist rise up from the river below and engulf it. I love everything about it.


I drive a few blocks out of my way almost every morning just so I can take pictures of it and marvel at how beautiful it is. A few weeks ago when the weather was warmer, I walked down along the railroad tracks by the river and was able to see this massive bridge from below. It truly is a majestic bridge.


The official name of the bridge is the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Ohio River Bridge. It spans the Ohio River just west of where the Beaver River runs into the Ohio. It turns out that it’s quite a famous bridge. When I first started posting pictures of this bridge on facebook and instagram, I got so many comments from people on how much they love this bridge. I’ve even been told that there’s a bartender in Pittsburgh who has this bridge tattooed on her chest (okay, that’s weird…). But I definitely understand the appeal. I can’t get enough of it.

20130925-204028.jpgI would love to put together an photo book of all the different skies above the bridge. I think if I took pictures every morning for a year, I would have 365 completely different photos, each beautiful in their own way.

20130925-204357.jpgLast week, I was fortunate enough to be able to capture a picture of the harvest moon over the bridge. It’s a little grainy, but considering I take all of my photographs with my iPhone 4S, I think it’s quite good.

20130925-203203.jpgI’ve always been able to take surprisingly good photos with my iPhone. I used to use just the regular camera app and edit the photos in Instagram.

20130925-203910.jpgThen one day this summer, I discovered a blog with a really great post on taking photos with the iPhone. Ever since then, I’ve been using the Camera+ app or ProHDR to take all of my sky photos. You can get really great colors, and capture beautiful images in both lowlight and bright sun.

20130925-203646.jpgI think that’s enough of me talking now. Please enjoy the rest of my photos of the Ohio River Bridge.

20130925-203557.jpg 20130925-203543.jpg20130925-203405.jpg 20130925-203351.jpg 20130925-203338.jpg 20130925-203308.jpg 20130925-203249.jpg 20130925-203220.jpg 20130925-203150.jpg 20130925-203701.jpg 20130925-203715.jpg 20130925-203729.jpg 20130925-203744.jpg 20130925-203857.jpg 20130925-203927.jpg 20130925-203957.jpg20130925-204250.jpg 20130925-204304.jpg 20130925-204317.jpg


12 thoughts on “the ohio river bridge

  1. I dont have an iphone (I use samsung s4) and edit my phone pictures with the app Snapseed. The best thing that sets this apart from other apps is its selective adjustment function, meaning you can choose to increase the brightness or contrast in a specific part of the picture only. You might want to check it out!

    I wished I lived in a place like yours surrounded by nature. Beautiful pics 🙂

    • I just downloaded Snapseed last week. I read about it on a blog somewhere. It’s pretty good, but I haven’t found it to be that much better than the functions in camera+ and ProHDR. But I do want to mess around with it more. I can spend a ridiculous amount of time fiddling with my photos, so I probably shouldn’t add too many more photo editors to my list lol. Thanks for your compliments! It really is a beautiful place, and I am so privileged to live within walking distance 🙂

  2. Pingback: the ohio river bridge ii | better with lemons

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